Red Team Fundamentals

Task 2 Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Tests Limitations
Would vulnerability assessments prepare us to detect a real attacker on our networks? (Yay/Nay)
During a penetration test, are you concerned about being detected by the client? (Yay/Nay)
Highly organised groups of skilled attackers are nowadays referred to as …
Advanced Persistent Threats
Task 3 Red Team Engagements
The goals of a red team engagement will often be referred to as flags or…
crown jewels
During a red team engagement, common methods used by attackers are emulated against the target. Such methods are usually called TTPs. What does TTP stand for?
Tactics, techniques and procedures
The main objective of a red team engagement is to detect as many vulnerabilities in as many hosts as possible (Yay/Nay)
Task 4 Teams and Functions of an Engagement
What cell is responsible for the offensive operations of an engagement?
red cell
What cell is the trusted agent considered part of?
White cell
Task 5 Engagement Structure
If an adversary deployed Mimikatz on a target machine, where would they be placed in the Lockheed Martin cyber kill chain?
What technique’s purpose is to exploit the target’s system to execute code?
Task 6 Overview of a Red Team Engagement
Click the “View Site” button and follow the example engagement to get the flag